


SBEE - Société Beninoise d'Energie Electrique - Benin
Refurbishing of the 15kV cubicles at the AKPAKPA power plant and laying a power cable in Cotonou.

SOMELEC - Société Mauritanienne d'Electricité - Mauritania

  • Extension to the Nouakchott thermal power plant
  • Building the west substation and 15 kV injection


EDG - Electricité de Guinée - Guinea

  • Refurbishment and extension of the electricity networks of the city of Conakry
  • Project to improve the efficiency of the electricity sector (PAESE). Engineering and installing the MV/LV distribution equipment in the town of Kaloum.

Ministry of the Economy UC-PMRI - Guinea Bissau
Supply and installation of new generators for a total power capacity of around 5MW each in continuous service, fed with heavy fuel oil from a 300m³ heavy fuel oil tank.

Officina Nacional de Planificacion y Seguimiento - Equatorial Guinea

  • Refurbishment and modification of the MV/LV power supply of the BATA presidency substation
  • Increasing the power capacity of the SEGESA network in the town of Ebebiyin (Ebebiyin power plant)

Officina Nacional de Planificacion y Seguimiento - Equatorial Guinea

  • 33 kV underground MV link between a diesel powered power plant and a 66kV substation - Sipopo
  • 33 kV MV line from Riaba to Moca and LV network in Moca
  • 33 kV MV line from Malabo to Bakake Grande and from Malabo to Pico de Basile (3 kms)
  • 33 kV MV line from Bakake Grande to Riaba and LV network from Rebola to Riaba

Société d'Electricité du Sénagal (SENELEC) - Senegal

  • 90/30 kV Substation in Hann
  • Extension of the electrical distribution networks in Cotonou, Porto-Novo and Abomey-Calavy
  • Industrial structure for manufacturing concrete posts
  • Reinforcement of the Cotonou, Porto-Novo and Zopa networks – Package No.2
  • Supply of transformers and MV/LV cables

Distribution, rural electrification

SBEE - Société Beninoise d'Energie Electrique - Benin
Second rural electrification project – Phase 1

Ministry of the Economy UC-PMRI, Coordination Unit for the Multi-sector Project for Infrastructure Refurbishment - Guinea Bissau
Refurbishment of the MV and LV electricity distribution networks in the town of Bissau

SGE-C Congo Groupe Vinci - Republic of Congo
Public lighting along the banks of Madoukou in Brazzaville

SNE - Société Nationale d'Electricité - Republic of Congo

  • Emergency Programme – Public lighting for the city of Brazzaville within the framework of the celebrations marking the fiftieth anniversary of the independence of the Congo
  • Works in phase II for the supply of electricity in the town of Pointe Noire – Mongo Kamba package

SOGEM - Société de Gestion de l'Energie de Manantali - Mali
Electrification of Bakel & Gouraye, work package No.1b