

Drinking water

Agence d'Exécution des Travaux Urbains (AGETUR) - Benin
Reinforcing the capacity and energy self-sufficiency of the drinking water production system of the town of Natitingou.

Ministry of Economic Infrastructure – Ivory Coast
Works to reinforce the drinking water supply of the town of Korhogo.

Ministry for Mines, Energy and Water - Benin

  • Works to supply drinking water to the town of Save from the Ilauko dam
  • Works to build civil engineering works, supply and install mechanical hydro-electric equipment for a treatment plant and a pumping station.

Société Nationale des Eaux du Benin (SONEB) - Benin

  • Drinking water supply project for 7 secondary towns
  • Phase II (in consortium with Franzetti)

Waste water, water treatment

Direction de l'hydraulique de la Wilaya d'Oran - Algeria
Design and installation of the power & lighting and monitoring & control equipment for the Oran waste water treatment plant.

Direction de l'Assainissement et du Drainage (DAD) – Ivory Coast
Works involving the connection of secondary waste water collectors to the main collector for Work Package 1 (Abobo) (as part of a Franzetti subcontract).

Supply of the electromechanical equipment for the pumping station on the inlet side of the Lviv waste water treatment plant.

Office National de l'Assainissement (ONA) - Algeria

  • Waste water treatment plant for the towns of Ouargla, Ain Beida and Rouissat
  • Pumping stations for the transfer works from the Chott Ain Beida to the Chott Safioune.

Société Nationale des Eaux du Bénin (SONEB) - Benin

  • Works to reinforce the drinking water supply (DWS) system for the towns of Pobe, Adja Ouere and the surrounding areas (Package AEP2 – SNB2).
  • Reinforcement of the DWS system for the town of Porto-Novo in connection with the festivities celebrating the 1st August 2010.
  • Reinforcement of the DWS System for the towns of Come, Bante, Malantown and Ketou (Work package AEP3 SNB2).


Ministry for Agriculture - National Rice Programme - Ivory Coast
Supply, transportation, erection, adjustment and commissioning of the electro-mechanical equipment for an inflatable dam on the river N'ZI and two pumping stations intended for the irrigation of 450 hectares of rice- and vegetable-growing land.

Office National de l'Assainissement du Sénégal (ONAS) - Senegal
Works to restructure the pumping system for the plots having been remediated

Société Nationale des Eaux (SNDE) - Mauritania
Distribution network & pumping station.